Ep.74 – Neurotoxicity vs Nephrotoxicity: A Look at the Comparative Safety of Cefepime and Piperacillin-Tazobactam in Adults Hospitalized With Acute Infection

Episode Notes

In this episode, Dr. April Dyer, one of the DASON Clinical Pharmacists, talks about cefepime vs piperacillin-tazobactam in adults hospitalized with acute infection. The article reviewed in this episode can be found here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37837651/

For more information about DASON, please visit: https://dason.medicine.duke.edu

Ep.73 – Analyzing Antibiograms: Reassessing a major tool

Episode Notes

Drs. Perez, Hillenbrand and Mourad do a deep dive on how to best apply one of our most common stewardship tools. The article reviewed in this episode can be found here: https://academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciad467/7240295

For more information about DASON, please visit: https://dason.medicine.duke.edu

Ep.72 – Hit me with your best shot! Tools to select the best empiric therapy in complicated UTIs

Episode Notes

In this episode of the DASON Digest Podcast, DASON Clinical Pharmacist Liaison Dr. Jeannette Bouchard talks to us about clinical risk scores to improve empiric antimicrobial selection for outpatient complicated urinary tract infections. The article reviewed in this episode can be found here: https://academic.oup.com/ofid/article/10/8/ofad319/7198038#413122181

For more information about DASON, please visit: https://dason.medicine.duke.edu

Ep.71 – Emphasizing Health Equity

Episode Notes

In this episode, Dr. Rey Perez chats with Drs. Rebekah Moehring and Libby Dodds Ashley about work done by the University of Pittsburgh using a weighted lottery to equitably allocate scarce supply of COVID-19 monoclonal antibody to patients. The article reviewed in this episode can be found here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37656472/

For more information about DASON, please visit: https://dason.medicine.duke.edu

Ep.70 – Can we FINALLY stop antibiotics in culture negative serious infections?

Episode Notes

In this episode of the DASON Digest Podcast, DASON Clinical Pharmacist Liaison Dr. Angelina Davis talks to us about the early discontinuation of antibiotics in patients admitted with clinically suspected serious infection but negative cultures. The article reviewed in this episode can be found here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37449298/

For more information about DASON, please visit: https://dason.medicine.duke.edu

Ep.69 – Creating Impactful, Feasible, Actionable, and Measurable Stewardship Interventions

Episode Notes

In this episode of the DASON Digest Podcast, DASON Clinical Pharmacist Liaison Dr. April Dyer talks to us about improving the efficiency of antimicrobial stewardship action in acute care facilities. The article reviewed in this episode can be found here: https://academic.oup.com/ofid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/ofid/ofad412/7234482

For more information about DASON, please visit: https://dason.medicine.duke.edu

Ep.68 – Don’t be so Negative! A Look at GN-BSI in the US

Episode Notes

Dr. Rey Perez chats with our newest DASON Clinical Pharmacist Liaison, Dr. Jeannette Bouchard, about the epidemiology of gram negative blood stream infections. The article reviewed in this episode can be found here: https://academic.oup.com/ofid/article/10/7/ofad265/7175984

For more information about DASON, please visit: https://dason.medicine.duke.edu

Ep.67 – Rx for Success: Tackling Penicillin Allergy De-Labelling in our Hospitals

Episode Notes

Dr. Melissa Johnson from DASON talks to us about removing incorrect penicillin allergy labels. There are lots of supplemental materials for this episode, and they can all be viewed on the episode's page on our website: https://dason.medicine.duke.edu/blog/rx-success-tackling-penicillin-allergy-de-labelling-our-hospitals

The main article discussed today is: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37354996/

For more information about DASON, please visit: https://dason.medicine.duke.edu/

Ep.66 – The Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection Conundrum: Vancomycin Plus Clindamycin vs. Linezolid

Episode Notes

In this episode, Dr. Angelina Davis talks to us about the use of clindamycin + vancomycin vs. linezolid for the treatment of necrotizing soft tissue infections. The article reviewed in this episode can be found here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37351452/

For more information about DASON, please visit: https://dason.medicine.duke.edu

Ep.65 – Plagued by Probiotics?

Episode Notes

For this episode, Drs. Libby Dodds Ashley and Rey Perez talk about probiotic-associated central venous catheter blood stream infections. The article reviewed in this episode can be found here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37260310/

For more information about DASON, please visit: https://dason.medicine.duke.edu/